Notebooks for Ideas

There are a lot of notebooks and sketchbooks out there. Before we began this project we had to make sure we weren't just adding to the noise. We asked ourselves a hard question: What makes us different from the rest?

We came up with one simple answer: We're making books for ideas.

Every day creative professionals (as well as hobbyists) spend vital time in their notebooks, so it's important that they're comfortable with it and it fits their needs. Most of the books we've found are either poorly made and flimsy or cater towards visual artists making finished work.

The poorly made books have a whole host of nagging issues, mainly due to the fact that the designs aren't well thought out. We've seen books that don't open flat or close evenly, books that lose pages on a whim, proportions that are unusable, too many or too few pages for the price and use—just to name a few.

Books for visual artists are aplenty, and most of them are pretty good. They're usually packed with 60 to 80 pages of high quality paper where an illustrator can spend hours working on a single page. The problem with this is that many of us don't need such high quality paper to generate ideas—what we need is a lot of space. 

And that's where Baronfig comes in.

We're dedicated to putting together high quality notebooks—blank, ruled, and dot grid—that cater to those of us who want to let our minds meander through the gardens of our thoughts. At 192 pages and small enough to carry with you wherever you go, we're right on track. 

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